Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Vision of Savitri II Part

During the whole vision I kept heart-contact with the Master, I was fully aware it was His Presence which was sustaining me during that continuous output of over-mental images, beyond His Presence and above us I was feeling a vast, immanent Spirit  which covered everything with its Presence, distant within its limb of divinity and yet so close over the impending events. Below us the scene has radically changed. Now I see Earth from space, it is night time on this side of the planet. I'm actually seeing the etheric counterpart of the planet, an astral and more complete vision of earth which adds the subtle and unseen events which take place unnoticed by our ordinary vision.
In the darkness I see luminous streams of spiritual light flowing over the surface of the planet, from a point on Earth shines a beautiful white light. I understand it is the dwelling place of the Woman.
When I focus my attention I recognize India, the region of Tamil Nadu, in the land now occupied by Auroville.  I'm seeing the subtle counterpart of Auroville, its subtle radiance, its presence in terms of energy.
The living and pulsating white light radiates circular waves on the surrounding area which  seams to surrender to the powerful influence. More land is progressively conquered by that light.
From all over the world streams of light increasingly flow to and from the residence of the Woman, wherever they move on earth they leave an indelible "subtle" trace which creates a net of light around the planet, bathing it into that light.  All this light seams growing towards a critical mass having a subtle influence on events on the surface of the planet. 

Suddenly the scene has changed. 
I'm seeing  the map of the western hemisphere with Europe in the middle of it,  I appreciate over the map a significant flow of human beings coming from Middle East and North Africa, they are represented as arrows on the map signing the direction of their flow towards Northern Europe and East and West Europe. The flow of human beings seams to get back on his way in a continuous to and from over and over again, as many individual were involved in the course of time.

Now I see the sunny side of Earth, I fly towards the surface like a meteor, penetrating the atmosphere and the clouds then I stop over the buildings of a large north-European  city. 
From there I can appreciate there are many people occupying the central avenues. There is turmoil in the streets as people is continuously gathering together voicing slogans, the situation is critical, I never saw such a compact representation of the whole sectors of the society, it has all the air of a popular uprising, they  are marching together protesting and claiming for solutions, I understand they are oppressed by the  deteriorating living conditions and are asking for effective solutions.  

At  no time I have lost the perception of the Great Spirit above and of the presence of Sri Aurobindo as it were overlapping mine, and in a such plural perception a certitude entered in my heart, they were not symbolic images.  I was witnessing real pages of the very next future on earth. 

I see the same situation repeating in every city in the world, it is a popular uplifting everywhere and there is no sign it will fade away, instead, it increases in time involving more and more countries much like a planetary uprising.
Earth itself is surrounded by a peculiar mental atmosphere which I can perceive, as every human being were mentally in touch, they seem actuating as a single body everywhere in the world, it is a general positioning of the whole human race against the fallacious policies in economy, social welfare and  environment, people seems quite aware of the degradation and looks determined to put a final point to the present state of things.  

In this tremendous hour it shines for its absence the reaction of the governing powers, they  seem not to exist. Facing such unprecedented situation, those once ready to fill the daily news with pompous economic recipes are now lock in an embarrassed silence.

But the pressure of the citizens is  unremitting and increases in the course of time, the situation is getting worse day by day, tempers are heated and it is clear that their requirements have to be faced with an unprecedented disposition by the governing powers.

Now I see the Eastern countries of Europe, probably Russia.
There is a special aura over these countries, as a relevant historical event had taken place in that region in the past, which  had left a shining spiritual halo.
I understand that the special halo is connected with the white light of the Woman and the strife for freedom of the people of that countries.

I'm seeing huge crowds in a big square of a city which I believe Moscow.
I understand they are in the same place of another historical popular uplifting, the square and the people are bathed in that light, they are marching together and the situation is dangerously approaching a real popular uprising.

There is a supernal beauty in seeing the common determination in the face of this people marching and claiming for social justice and freedom, there are evident glances of impotence in the eyes of the policemen called to control the crowd, they are aware they cannot physically retain such huge mass of people from marching even over them if they resist the advance. The two forces look fiercely at each other. The whole world seem retaining the breathe in that hour, as people everywhere in the world had  felt the great tension in Eastern Europe.

Then I understand that right in that moment and that place  a battle has been definitively  win for the earth.

The image has changed again and now I'm seeing the U.S.A.
There are similar scenes all over the country, there too, people is occupying the central avenues of all the important metropolis, there are huge crowds everywhere and in front of the public buildings.

Now my consciousness is projected  within an office: a small group of young lawyers which seem animated by noble ideals is discussing the situation, they are quickly resolving to support the requirements of the people by formally and legally representing them in different instances.

I see again the little group of lawyers, they are now reunited in a room and talking with the President, they plead in favor of the requests of the people, but I see an unmovable indifference in the face of the aged politician,
 I understand he is determined to not offer any ear at the requirements of the crowds, but the young lawyers have not surrendered in spite of the negative to react.
They are now in the building of the United Nations and urge for an interview with the General Secretary.
They are reunited in an office, and the Secretary too is worried and seem to support their cause, he his admitting that the situation is extremely serious and requires a definitive intervention.
They have resolved to convene urgent meetings with representatives of all the countries forming study groups to evaluate solutions, they all agree that the unprecedented situation requires rapid implementation by the world leaders.

In a relative short time meetings have been held and founded accurate solutions to the problems and requests of the people, than during a General Assembly the General Secretary direct his voice to the media in a message to all the citizens of the world.

I see now images of different countries and their citizens, all reunited around the televisions in public places and all listening in silence to the words of the Secretary.
He is admitting a misconduct by international bodies, politicians and governments, guilty of lack of interest and unable to see and intervene to relieve the situation.
He says that definitely, actions must be taken to channel a new course for the future of the human society and its legitimate welfare.
He is saying that the world leaders have unanimously determined to take urgent actions and thoroughly favour all the requests of the people.

 In a moment I'm projected on higher levels of the earth's atmosphere, from where I can hear a cry of joy from all over the world.  Then I'm back again and see people in the streets of all the cities of the world, they are all smiling and cherishing each other, there are dances and celebrations, and a great cheerfulness everywhere.

(follows with "The Vision III Part)

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